1300 733 299 info@easy-tv.com.au

Do you have a donation?

Doing our small part to help those in need


We here at Easy TV often come across TVs which are no longer needed, and require disposal. Rather than end up in landfill, we are trying to do our small part in both protecting the environment and giving back to those in need.

If you have a working TV which you no longer need, please use the form below to tell us which TV you have, and where you are located. If we feel that we can give your old working TV a new home, and help someone less fortunate, we will arrange a time to collect the TV from you, at no cost.

We do not sell these items, or charge any money for this service. This is a non-profit service we provide for people in need. So please make sure that the TV you would like to donate is in working order, with a working remote control and ideally the TV stand it came with. Please take note, this is not a disposal service for non-working TVs, and we cannot collect TVs that are not in working order. We provide this service on our own time, at our own cost, for those less fortunate. Please be considerate of this information when submitting your request. Thank you very much!

Charity Donation

Sydney TV Wall Mounting Specialists

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